An Autoimmune condition occurs when the immune system attacks and destroys healthy tissue, mistakenly perceiving it to be an antigen, (viruses, foreign bodies, bacteria, cancer cells, toxins etc). Why the immune system reacts in this way is not fully understood, but some studies suggest that a number of risk factors may be at play, including, genetic disposition, chronic inflammation, hormonal imbalances and exposure to environmental toxins. Some viruses can also trigger a reaction. There are over 100 known autoimmune conditions including, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Ulcerative Colitis.

Many different tissues and organs can be affected including, blood vessels, connective tissues, joints, muscles and the skin etc. This can lead to destruction of the tissue involved, changes in the function of, and/ or enlargement of an organ. As such, symptoms can be wide ranging and difficult to diagnose and treat. Sadly, as yet, there is no cure for most autoimmune conditions due to the complexity of these disorders, and so, treatment is aimed at managing/ reducing symptoms with the aim of getting the patient into remission.

In Chinese Medicine, much like western medicine, there is no single cause of an autoimmune disorder. Rather, Chinese Medicine views the immune system as having several layers. The first layer and foundation of your immune system is called your Wei Qi, which is considered to be a kind of invisible force field surrounding your body preventing pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, irritants and other toxins from entering the body and disrupting its normal processes. If you are strong and healthy your Wei Qi will be strong and balanced. Many things can weaken your energy and thus affect the strength of your Wei Qi, such as, stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet etc. The principle of Chinese Medicine is always to restore balance to the body through acupuncture, Chinese herbs, diet and lifestyle changes.

Chinese Herbal Medicines have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and analgesic effects, as well as, cardiovascular and nervous system protective actions, (Huajuan et al, 2020, Xuan et al, 2020, and Xiao-Qin et al, 2018). Acupuncture has also been shown to regulate and strengthen the immune system, and as such, maybe an effective adjunct treatment for autoimmune conditions, (Liang et al, 2015, Pan et al, 2021, and Williams & Moramarco, 2022).

If you are struggling with an autoimmune condition please book in today to see how we may be able to support your health and wellbeing.


  1. Huajuan, J., et al, (2020). Total glucosides of paeony: A review of its phytochemistry, role in autoimmune diseases, and mechanism of action. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 258.

  2. Xuan, X., et al, (2020). Chinese Herbal Medicines for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Text-mining the classical literature for potentially effective natural products. Evidence-Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2020.

  3. Xiao-Qin, L., (2018). Saikosaponins: a review of pharmacological effects. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research. Volume 20, Issue 5.

  4. Liang, F., et al, (2015). Acupuncture and Immunity. Evidence Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. Volume 2015.

  5. Pan, W., (2021). Acupuncture modulates immunity in Sepsis; Toward a science-based protocol. Autonomic Neuroscience. Volume 232.

  6. Williams, J.E., and Moramarco, J., (2022). The Role of Acupuncture for Long COVID: Mechanisms and Models. Medical Acupuncture. Volume 34. Issue 3, 159-166.

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